Here's our new look!

We've thought it's only fair to give Revolt a fresh coat of paint.

Have you noticed something different recently? Maybe your coffee tastes a bit different, or the sky looks a bit more blue?

Well, we can’t help with those things, but what we can help with is telling you that our website has a new look!

Here’s a full-page screenshot, because the researchers at Revolt R&D have determined that those are 2.34 times cooler than regular screenshots:

Full page screenshot of the new Revolt marketing website
View full size

In reality, the changes go way beyond our marketing website. The changes come as part of a larger redesign of the whole Revolt identity, which includes everything except the apps (we’re working on that too, don’t worry!).

What’s new?

You might genuinely not have noticed, but we subtly cleaned up our logo, here’s a quick comparison:

Revolt logo comparison

We kept the gist unchanged, but the logo now works a lot better at small sizes and has more consistent spacing.

The colour palette has also been updated to be more vibrant and modern. Here’s a quick look at the new colours:

Revolt's new colour palette

Our new primary colour is a vibrant shade of pink as opposed to our old, more muted red, which we think is a huge improvement (pinky promise that we’re not biased). We’ve also updated our typography to be more readable and consistent across all platforms.

This one being my personal favourite, we’re using a new typeface called Revolt Sans, which a modern sans-serif typeface that’s designed to be easy to read on screens of all sizes. This text is written in Revolt Sans, so you can see how it looks, or you can check out the image below:

Revolt Sans typeface

That’s so.. un-technical?

Fear not! We’ll publish our full brand guide soon, which will include all the details you could ever want. We’re also working on a new design system for our web app (based upon M3, accordingly called… Revolt M3 Extensions), which will be based on the same principles as our new brand identity.

Thanks for checking out our new look, and we hope you like it as much as we do! If you have any feedback, feel free to let us know in our Revolt server.