Refreshing Revolt for Web

Bringing a new, leaner experience for web users.

Early Christmas present for you all, we’re finally ready to reveal the new web experience.

Over the past year we’ve rebuilt the Revolt web client from the ground up with a strong focus on stability, performance, and style. While we are certainly not ready for a general release yet, we want to gather feedback and ensure the app is robust and accessible throughout before we think about pushing this out to all users.

Bringing Material 3 to the Web

As part of the new web client, we’ve completely overhauled the user interface and adopted the Material 3 design system. Not only that, but we’re also bringing dynamic colour and other great features from Material You.

Give us a colour and we’ll make it happen.

Screenshot of multiple colour themes in a grid.

Dark mode? No problem.

Screenshot of light and dark schemes.

And for seasoned theme designers, you’ll have even more control than ever over every single aspect of the client. Themes can now not only change colours but typography, layouts, transitions, and more!

Limited Demo Release

You can try this out right now at

This will give you access to play around with the new colour engine and try out the new client within the Revolt server. (we’ll be releasing a more general alpha test soon so stay tuned!)

PS. you can select colour schemes by clicking on different colours in the server list!